
Monday, April 4, 2011

Tweet of the year goes to @TennConserv

Tweet of the year goes to @TennConserv with this amazing observation:

 "If only non-essential government services end in a government shutdown ... why do we have them to start with?" 
I can honestly say this tweet sums up what real Conservatives and Tea Party members believe, I don't think I could have said it better if I tried. You may have just become my new favorite person on Twitter. Keep up the awesome tweets!

Thank you @TennConserv for you brilliant words of wisdom!

Friday, April 1, 2011

PREDICTION: My generation will live to be 150+ probably closer to 200 years old and this is why:

        Most forms of cancer will be curable with "Nano bee's" that can be programed and injected into your body where they will go and attack cancer cells. this technology is still pretty new but it seems to be coming along very quickly. Unlike Chemotherapy that weakens your immune system and can be painful "Nano bees" die after "stinging" a cancer cell. Scientist have known for years that the venom from bee's can kill cancer cells, but the problem is that the venom would kill any cell it touches, but with the new nano technology we can program small nano bots to only attack certain types of cells.

      As your vital organs get older they will replace them with "Printed Organs" that will be exact copies of yours. They will use a modified laser jet printer to literally print them out! They then take some cells from your body and inject them into the new organ or "scaffold" and incubate it to make it a complete organ. This makes the organ natural to your body and wont be rejected which sometimes happens with transplanted organs. This is a very cool process that was recently demonstrated at TED(I will add a link at the bottom if you don't know what TED is.)

     Your brain is already designed to last 1000 years, and arms or legs will be replaced with very life like prosthetics if needed. They will look, feel, and move like real arms and legs. They will be able to attach them to nerves so you can feel temperatures and pressure allowing you to have complete control over your new limbs as if they were completely natural.

      Everything in this list may sound like stuff out of some sci-fi movie but I assure you that all of this is already real stuff that is very close to being ready for use. Infact the printed organs have even been used for a few minior replacements.

      So what do you think? Please leave a comment below, and make sure you bookmark my blog and watch for new updates.

TED: 3D Printed organs 
More on Nano Bee's

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Detroit Democrats = Decline in population

     From 1900-1960 there were 23 mayors in Detroit 6-Democrats 17-Republicans out of those 60 years Democrats were in office - 12 years; Republicans were in office 48 years.The population went from 285,704 -1,670,144(1,849,568 in 1950). in 60 years republicans changed Detroit from a big city to a Metropolis. Now From 1962 - 2010 there have been 7-Democrats and 0-Republican Mayors giving democrats complete reign over Detroit for 48 years. The population went from 1,670,144 in 1960 - 714,000 today. In 48 years Republicans added 1,384,440 people to Detroit's population; in 48 years Democrats have lost 956,144 people.

     Detroit use to be a great place to live but Democrats have turned it into a cesspool of crime, corruption, and high taxes. They have forced most of the jobs to leave the city or go out of business. This trend can not continue, its time for the republicans to take our city back. If you go to any other major city in this country people would fight you to live in a loft or penthouse in the downtown area of that city, but in Detroit you couldn't pay me to live there! Living in the city just means you now have to pay a city income tax even if your job isn't in Detroit. Living in Detroit means you have a chance to get shot, robbed, carjacked, rapped, or some other horrible thing and all this with a mayor who is going to rip off the tax payers and kill strippers (allegedly).

     So in conclusion we need to stop electing Democrats to office, drive the criminals out, lower taxes on companies, and find a way to bring jobs back to our once great city. Unfortunately I don't believe this will ever happen in our life time. So the easiest answer is to leave the city until the criminals destroy it, then maybe we can bulldoze it and make a parking lot for a Cosco and start over in a different location.

Thank You,
Please be sure to leave a comment below.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When did we become a country for the minority?

     The whole point of a democracy is to do what the majority of the people want. Yet all I see are laws being passed everyday that benefit a minority group of people. Does anyone else see a problem with this? What happened to the rights of the majority? Look at ObamaCare the only people who wanted it were democrats who are incapable of understanding the full cost and effect of something like that, all they see is "Free Health care" but don't understand that someone has to pay for that. Their answer is always "Raise taxes on the rich" but what good does it do to raise taxes on the people who sign your paycheck? Do you really think your going to get a raise or see your company expand when the guy in control of those decisions keeps making less money? How high of taxes would you  pay until you just say screw it, and move you company to a country who welcomes people like you?

     Then we have laws that seem to get passed anytime some small outspoken group gets attention on the news.  Women aren't aggressive enough to get promotions or raises so they sue Walmart... Blacks don't pass a test to be cops or firemen so they make the test easier rather then telling them to study harder, I would be offended if they did that for white people! Gays get bullied at school so they pass bulling laws. What happened to a dad just telling them to punch the kid in the face? You might not win the fight but I bet the bully will think twice before picking on you again. Maybe these aren't the best answers, but its better then putting a new law on the books that will no doubt be twisted by some liberal lawyer to be used in the wrong way. They need to reverse this whole process and start removing laws not adding them. Telling me I have to were a seat belt or a helmet. Not allowing a small business owner to have a smoking area in his restaurant or bar. Its his business if he thinks he will make more money by not having a smoking area he will do it, but he should have the right to make that choice.

     I Just don't understand how this stuff gets passed. We elect these people to do what the majority of us want and they just give us the middle finger and do whatever they feel like doing. Elected officials use to be outspoken people who had every intention of making their city, district, state, and country a better place. Now it just seems that everyone is just power hungry and more worried about "how is this decision gonna effect my re-election" this just isn't right! I do have some high hopes for the Tea Party as they seem to have the right ideas and are at least attempting to do what we ask them to. Its kind of refreshing to have a large group of people running for office who have the same opinions as I do, and now to see them attempting to accomplish what they promised. Not to mention all the Tea Party rallies that showed a lot of us that we weren't alone in this fight for freedom.

     Seriously people we need to wake up and take our country back!